The idea is simple, to have a constellation of communication satellites roaming around orbits. Now, already many such Satellites exist? what’s special in ours?

The Problem

In the Kargil War 1999, which happened b/w India and Pakistan, the US denied GPS access to its satellites due to various political factors. From there, India started building its GPS system, currently called NAVIC ( ). Similar conditions may arise again, not b/w India and Pakistan, but b/w any nations. Your cellular communication and your internet communication can be cut off. Isn’t that dangerous?

Why Now

The global state is not looking that promising for the next decade, and slowly shifting towards a network state is the only optimistic approach, I personally believe in. If we want to have a network state, communication across the members is most important, especially when any member is in trouble.

The Idea

The idea is again simple, to have a constellation of Satellite, not governed by anyone. no company, no organization. Anyone can use the satellite for communication by just buying credits? ( maybe, being honest, not decided on this part), how can we ensure that the payment gateway is not blocked? By adding Solana capabilities to it anyone can pay on the blockchain.

Another question arises, how can one buy credits if the internet is already cut off? One can buy a few credits from beforehand and as the credits live on blockchain, they won’t expire. But this is again to be thought of at a further stage.

How can one communicate with the Satellites? simple, using Satellite phones which cost anywhere from 500$ to 1500$, they currently may not be the most economical way for many people to have a SOLO phone but a family of say 4-5 people can have 1 phone.

Okay, now where will these satellites be? The satellites will be placed in LEO orbits and we’ll start from a constellation of 3 Satellites that will cover first a particular nation and then will go big from there.